Monday, August 22, 2011

"Disneyland is a show."

Tomorrow is my first day of work (Finally!!) so today, in order to get used to my surroundings, I went to Disneyland on my own to figure out where everything is (mainly all the bathrooms since that's the number one question I'm sure I'll get). Since Disney started as a studios, Disneyland has many influences from movie studios and sets.

Disneyland is a show, but the park its self is a stage. When I'm finally working, I'll be "on stage". Disneyland is such an amazing place because our Guests, you, get to not only watch the show, but be apart of it.

As soon as I walked in the park, there was Mickey in main street leading the Disney band around the flag pole. I snapped a picture of him as he walked back to his home in Toon Town, luckily my whistle is so loud it caught his attention and he pointed and nodded my way.
After walking around Adventure land and New Orleans square a bit I walked back to Main Street to catch the train. While in line I sat next to an adorable little girl wearing Minnie Mouse ears and huge Mickey Mouse cartoon gloves on her tiny little hands. She was extremely eager and excited to tell me all about her account on Toon Town on

"Mickey is my favorite because he is the leader of the group! I'm a leader too, just like Mickey! Did you know that these are hands like Mickey's? I'm dressed up for Toon Town, but not the one online, the REAL Toon Town. Have you been to Toon Town? This is my first time."

I told her little things about Toon town to look out for, including Goofy's rubbery bouncy floors in his house ("How silly!"), and how there were fish in the gas station ("Now that doesn't seem very smart").

Anyways, the train finally came and after she got off at Toon Town I stayed on for the whole tour around the park. If you've ridden the train all the way around before you'll recognize the next photo, and if not I recommend taking the train next time you visit and taking the detour into the past...
These guys are one of my favorite parts of Disneyland as they seem so lifelike and daunting. When people started taking pictures using the flash on their camera's the conductor creatively told us all:

"Ladies and Gentlemen please don;t use flash photography as you see the Dinosaurs are scared of technology and will charge the train unless you stop... thank you!"

This quick thinking and story telling is all part of being on stage at Disney. As your host we make sure to always make you feel like your in a different world than the one you came to us.

As I stepped off the train back into Main Street I ran into my two furry friends Chip and Dale over by the fire department.
The fire man band was out playing some cheerful dance music for everyone to boogie too while these two messed around with their equipment and encouraged everyone around them to join in the dancing with them.

Since my goal was to go into every store in as many lands as I could to know where everything was, I headed on over to Fantasyland where I was surprised at how many cute little places I had overlooked or never even knew they existed.

And some not so cute... occasionally you can spot Snow White's evil Queen step mother in the tower above the Snow White storybook ride. I waited next to the Peter Pan ride to get the shot below...

Next I went up inside Sleeping Beauty's castle which I hadn't been in since they re-did it. The new technology that they used inside the castle to re-tell the story of Sleeping Beauty is absolutely amazing, as are the paintings they did in the books lining the castle walls...

By this point I was getting hungry and started to walk back to the front of the park, but on the way I once again ran into a group of people playing music and celebrating a sunny day in Disneyland.
Also as a side note, automobiles have priority in Disneyland:

Walking back through Main Street I remembered a story that I hadn't shared with you all yet...

When your walking down Main Street you'll notice the Cafe, Blue Ribbon Bakery, and the Gibson Girl ice cream shop... all three opened up around the same time in the 50's when a family of three sailed into Disneyland on the Great American river. The Dad had set out to find a new town to open up a Cafe. After he opened his Cafe the mother, who's baked goods had always won her the Blue Ribbon at county fairs, opened a Bakery next door. These two had one daughter who didn't want to be left out and so she opened the Gibson Girl Ice creamery. And that is how those three stores came to be on main street!

Hope everyone is having a magically Monday, until next time!

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