Friday, August 19, 2011

“Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.”

Probably the greatest thing about working here for me personally is that I get to tell stories constantly. And if you know me you know I pretty much do that all the time anyways.

As Hosts to our Guests, we are encouraged to interact with as many people as we can. My job on it's own includes getting 350interviews done every shift I have no matter how long the shift is, but besides just interviewing Guests I'm encouraged to curtsy to any little princesses that walk by, dance while walking past parades to get guests to do the same, sword fight with any recently trained Jedi's from our Jedi classes and more.

I haven't started working yet, but when I was in Disneyland two days ago I couldn't help but start interacting with the kids. I was in line for Indiana Jones with my old co-worker Micah and his girlfriend Julie when this little boy with a lightsaber and a Woody cowboy hat kept swinging on the line posts next to us. I made a comment about how I had never seen a cowboy Jedi before in my life and the kid instantly turned around and started grinning ear to ear.

"Not only a cowboy Jedi!" he replied, "A SHARK cowboy Jedi! Rawr!"

He then continued to make chomping noises and act as if he was going to bite me. We started to make up a story about how a shark could become a Jedi cowboy, how I was really glad to have him in line next to me going into such a scary temple, and how he better keep his lightsaber put away so he doesn't accidentally cut off my hand like Luke's (this was his mom's favorite part of the story). Our story not only entertained other people around us but also made the 45 min wait seem to fly by.... or swing by in Indiana's case.

But that is the best part of this job and the meaning behind Walt's quote (the title for this post). Disneyland will never be completed, or the same. With so many different imaginations colliding and building off of one another no day in Disneyland will ever be the same.

That same day I watched Fantasmic! for the first time. If you haven't seen it I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE IT I had goosebumps the whole time. And if you have seen it before they just redid it and the dragon is now about as tall as a three story building (yeah... they have a DRAGON). The plot is Mickey's dreams where good dreams and nightmares have to battle each other. It's fantastic fantasmic!

Anyways, while watching it with my roommates and two friends a girl around the age of 5 sitting next to me put her little hand on my shoulder and eagerly started pointing out her favorite character to me. At first I assumed she mistook me for her family member but after pointing out to her that her mom was on the other side of her she simply said "I know" and continued to talk/cheer/ooh and ahh with me throughout the show. And that's another thing I love about Disneyland. Imagination and childlike wonder is everywhere, and everyone is happy to share the experience with strangers because we're all feeling the same giddy happy feeling inside us.

After the first Fantasmic! show is the Magical fireworks show. My roommates and I decided to run over to splash mountain because the line would be shorter at that time. It was two roommates first time on the ride so it was extremely entertaining to see them react to everything but the best part was something we hadn't even planned...

We had perfect seats to watch the fireworks =)

and that my friends is Disney magic.

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